Archive | April 2013

Daily activity

Daily activity on Wednesday

I woke up at 5 am to pray Fajr. Because it is still sleepy and I happen to sleep during the lecture schedule again.

At 10 o’clock in the morning I wake up and breakfast, after dinner I take a shower. While waiting for the midday prayer time I watch tv first. Midday prayer time finally arrived, I immediately midday prayers and rushed to campus to lecture. Today there is no assignment or test. Arrived in class so I could rest after the first climb stairs to get to the tens of class on the 3rd floor. profit before colege I had breakfast first, so I was eager to learn on this day.

Lecturer at 12.30 tekhologi Introduction to computers and information coming to class, today he gave material about “dBase”.

Lecturers at 13.30 second course is Mathematical Economics also comes to giving out materials about “Integral”. did not feel the time was already afternoon.

At 17:00 math courses were completed. I went straight home.

At 18:15 maghrib call to prayer rang out and I was immediately perform maghrib prayer. after maghrib prayer I had dinner and do chores. Right after I finished watching tv. At 19:30 I perform evening prayers, after evening prayers I felt sleepy and last thing I did after the evening prayers are locking the door, turning off the lights, and go to bed.